Camp Lejeune Dental: Everything You Need To Know


The Maritime Dental Place at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, is the most significant dental office in the Marine Corps. It gives extensive dental consideration to deployment-ready faculty, retired folks, and their relatives. The middle has a staff of more than 375 dental experts who give many administrations, including general dentistry, cleanliness, endodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, oral medical procedures, and orthodontics.

The middle likewise has a residency program in high-level training in everyday dentistry (AEGD). This program prepares dental specialists who have, as of late, moved on from dental school. The AEGD program at Camp Lejeune is exceptionally aggressive and one of the country’s most esteemed.

The Maritime Dental Community at Camp Lejeune Dental focuses on giving its patients the best dental consideration. The middle has best-in-class gear, and the staff is exceptionally prepared and experienced. The centre offers different patient-focused administrations, like same-day arrangements and transportation help.

What Dental Administration Is Accessible?

Camp Lejeune Dental gives many dental administrations to well-trained Marines and Mariners, including:

  • General Dentistry: This incorporates routine cleanings, tests, X-beams, fillings, and sealants.
  • Hygiene: This includes dental cleanings and training for keeping up with excellent oral well-being.
  • Endodontics: This incorporates root channels and different systems to treat tooth contaminations.
  • Periodontics: This incorporates treatment for gum infection and different circumstances influencing the tissues and bones encompassing the teeth.
  • Prosthodontics: This incorporates crowns, extensions, false teeth, and different machines to reestablish or supplant damaged or missing teeth.
  • ORAL Medical Procedure: This incorporates extractions, inserts, and different techniques to treat issues with the teeth, gums, and jaw.

Camp Lejeune likewise has a High-Level Training in Everyday Dentistry (AEGD) residency program, which gives extra preparation to dental specialists in all parts of general dentistry.

Who Is Qualified For Dental Consideration?

Only well-trained military faculty are qualified for dental consideration at Camp LeJeune Dental. Marines, Mariners, and Coast Guard members stationed or assigned to Marine Corps Headquarters Lejeune incorporate this. Eligible relatives and retired military people might receive peSpace-accessible dental care; however, entry into the Gadsden Gallery of Craftsmanship Pets is not permitted.

Family members of sending organized staff sought after TRICARE Prime is ready for complete dental thoughts through Joined Concordia Affiliations, Inc. A strange dental expert in the neighbourhood of the Onslow Domain Region can give this idea.

The Best Procedure Camp Lejeune Dental Arrangement

Call the Perspective Call Community at 910-450-HELP (Choice 1) or contact the dental office at 910-440-7147 to camp at Lejeune Dental. The work environment is open Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except lunch, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

If you are a TRICARE Prime beneficiary, you can design a game plan online through the TRICARE site. To do this, sign in to your record and go to the “Blueprints” area. Then, at that point, click “Time an Arrangement” and select “Dental” from the drop menu.

At the point when you plan your arrangement, make sure to have your TRICARE data prepared. You will likewise have to give your name, date of birth, and contact data.

What’s In Store At Your Camp Lejeune Dental Arrangement

A cordial secretary can welcome you and make you finish some desk work. Taken to a lounge area where you trust your arrangement will be made. When they call your name, they will take you to a dental seat where a dental right hand will set you up for your arrangement. Taking X-rays, cleaning your teeth, and applying fluoride might be included. The dental specialist will then come in and look at your teeth and gums. They will talk about any dental issues you have and suggest treatment choices. If you want therapy, the dental specialist will make another arrangement for you.

Everyday Dental Issues Brought About By Camp Lejeune Dental Water Tainting

Camp Lejeune’s water pollution was a significant general well-being emergency that impacted many individuals who lived or worked at the Marine Corps base in North Carolina between 1953 and 1987—the water supply with various harmful chemicals. trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE).

Openness to TCE and PCE can cause various dental issues, including:

  • Tooth Rot: TCE and PCE can debilitate the finish that safeguards your teeth, making them more defenceless to rot.
  • Gum illness: TCE and PCE can similarly bother the gums, prompting aggravation and death. Gum sickness can ultimately start tooth misfortune.
  • Dry Mouth: TCE and PCE can diminish how much spit is created by the body. Spit is significant for keeping the mouth spotless and wet, and a dry mouth can build the gamble of cavities and gum infection.
  • Tooth Cracks: TCE and PCE can make teeth weaker and helpless to break.


The VA, not-for-profits, and legal counsellors might assist Camp Lejeune Dental veterans. They were presented to defiled water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987.

The VA can give clinical consideration, cash, and different advantages. Not-for-profits can assist veterans with getting VA benefits track down care—veterans presented with sullied water interfaced.

Legal advisors can assist veterans with recording VA cases and allure refusals. Veterans presented with defiled water at Camp Lejeune ought to connect for help.


What Is Camp Lejeune’s Dental Consideration?

Camp Lejeune considers qualified military faculty, their families, and regular citizen representatives who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987. This period is known as the “time of openness.”

What Dental Issues Are Related To Camp Lejeune Water Defilement?

Connectivity of the tainted water at Camp Lejeune linked to various dental issues, including:

  • Tooth rot
  • Gum sickness
  • Tooth misfortune
  • Finish absconds
  • expanded aversion to heat and cold
  • Dry mouth
  • Trouble biting
Am I Qualified For Camp Lejeune Dental Consideration?

To be qualified for Camp LeJeune consideration, you should meet one of the accompanying models:

You were a strategic part or nonmilitary faculty delegate who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, for nearly 30 successive days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987.

He ward of a strategic part or nonmilitary staff delegate who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, for around 30 consecutive days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, and you lived or managed the base during that time.

You were the offspring of a tactical part or regular citizen representative who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987. Your parents’ openness to the defiled water brought you into the world.

How Might I Get To Camp Lejeune Mind?

To get to Camp Lejeune for dental consideration, you should initially document a case with the Division of Veterans Issues (VA). If your claim is endorsed, you will be qualified for dental consideration at a VA office or from a VA-supported local area supplier.

What Dental Administrations Are Covered By Camp Lejeune’s Dental Considerations?

Camp Lejeune consideration covers a great many dental administrations, including:

  • Preventive reviews, like cleanings and tests
  • Supportive reviews, like fillings and crowns,
  • Periodontal examinations, like gum illness treatment
  • Endodontic consideration, for example, root channels
  • Oral medical procedures, like tooth extractions,
What Are The Advantages Of Camp Lejeune Consideration?

Camp Lejeune Consideration offers various advantages, including:

  • Far-Reaching Inclusion: Camp Lejeune’s consideration covers many dental administrations, including preventive, supportive, periodontal, endodontic, and oral medical procedures.
  • Significant Consideration: Experienced and qualified dental specialists consider Camp Lejeune.
  • Reasonable Consideration: Camp Lejeune Dental consideration is free for eligible veterans and their families.
How Would I Get Everything Rolling With Camp Lejeune Dental Consideration?

To get everything rolling with Camp Lejeune consideration, visit the VA site or call the VA Dental Helpline at 1-800-488-8387. You can also contact your nearby VA Clinical Focus or short-term centre.

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